2024 Fellows Courses
Interventional Cardiology Course
A Career in Interventional Cardiology: How To Succeed and Stay Healthy
Fostering a Culture of Continuous Learning: How to Leverage Proctors, Your Societies (SCAI) and Industry
Megan Coylewright, M.D., FSCAI
Jobs and Contracts: What You Need To Know Before You Sign
Lyndon Carlos Box, M.D., FSCAI
Looking After Yourself in the Cath Lab: Occupational Hazards and How To Avoid Them
Andrew J. Klein, M.D., FSCAI
Breakfast Program: A New Wave of Hypertension Treatment - The Power of Ultrasound Renal Denervation
Introductory Remarks
Science and Clinical Evidence of Ultrasound RDN
Matheen A. Khuddus, M.D., FSCAI
How to Perform uRDN Procedure
J. Antonio T. Gutierrez, MD, MHS, FSCAI
Panel Discussion
Who and When to Treat with uRDN Therapy?
Marloe Prince, MD, FSCAI
Concluding Remarks
Panel Discussion
Breakfast Program: Access Site Management: Best Practices
Welcome & Introductions
Vascular Access Site Management: Best Practices
Sandeep Nathan, M.D., FSCAI
Hands-On Demos
Breakfast Program: CathWorks FFRangio: The New Era in Coronary Physiology
CW Overview
Emmanouil S. Brilakis, MD, PhD, FSCAI
Case Review
Yiannis S Chatzizisis, M.D., Ph.D., FSCAI
Breakfast Program: Medtronic Symplicity Spyral™: rfRDN Procedural Overview and Case Review
SymplicityTM Procedural Overview
Katherine Kunkel, M.D., FSCAI
Case in a Box
Tai Kobayashi, M.D., FSCAI
Cardiogenic Shock
Managing Cardiac Arrest in the Cath Lab
Srihari S. Naidu, MD, FSCAI
Mechanical Circulatory Support Options in the Management of Cardiogenic Shock
Katherine Kunkel, M.D., FSCAI
Troubleshooting and Managing MCS Devices After Leaving the Cath Lab
Allison G. Dupont, M.D., FSCAI
Career Development Panel Discussion
Radiation Awareness in the Cath Lab: Strategies for Occupational Health and Safety in Interventional Cardiology
Joaquin E. Cigarroa, M.D., MSCAI
Case Reviews With the Experts: What Would You Do? (Group A)
Case Presentation 1: Introduction
Issam D. Moussa, M.D., FSCAI
Case Presentation 2: Introduction
Triston B. B. J. Smith, M.D., FSCAI
Case Presentation 2: Conclusion
Triston B. B. J. Smith, M.D., FSCAI
Case Reviews With the Experts: What Would You Do? (Group B)
Case Presentation 1: Introduction
Douglas E. Drachman, M.D., MSCAI
Case Presentation 2: Introduction
Dr. Andrew Michael Goldsweig, MD, MS, FSCAI
Discussion (Small Groups Report Out to Full Group)
Case Presentation 2: Conclusion
Dr. Andrew Michael Goldsweig, MD, MS, FSCAI
Cath Lab Disasters: What To Do When Cases Go Bad
Dislodged Hardware: Wire, Stent or Catheter Tip
Dmitriy N. Feldman, M.D., FSCAI
Pericardiocentesis Done Right
Ian C. Gilchrist Sr., MSCAI, MSCAI
Perforations: Control, Seal, or Coil
Subhash Banerjee, M.D., FSCAI
Abrupt Closure: Why Is There No Flow?
Joaquin E. Cigarroa, M.D., MSCAI
Iatrogenic Dissection
Louai Razzouk, M.D., M.P.H., FSCAI
Coffee Break and IC Course Debrief
Panel Discussion
Complex Lesions: How To Treat Left Main, CTO Lesions and Bypass Graft Disease
Partnering with CV Surgery: Hybrid PCI
David E. Kandzari, M.D., MSCAI
Approach to Left Main PCI: Indications, Techniques, and the Role of Imaging
Dr. Prashant Kaul, M.D., FSCAI
CTO Techniques: Basic Overview and Their Application in Non-CTO Cases
Kathleen Kearney, M.D., FSCAI
Treatment of Complex Bypass Graft Disease Treatment
Carlos E. Alfonso, M.D., FSCAI
Treatment of Bifurcation lesions: Tips and Techniques
Sandeep Nathan, M.D., FSCAI
Dinner Program: AGENT of Change for ISR
AVVIGO+ Innovation in Stent Failure Imaging
Yiannis S Chatzizisis, M.D., Ph.D., FSCAI
MODERN PCI To Achieve Optimal DCB Treatment
Darshan Doshi, M.D.
AGENT DCB in ISR - Case Study and Technique
Matheen A. Khuddus, M.D., FSCAI
Dinner Program: Lightning Flash & CatRX: Advanced Technologies for the Management of PE and Coronary Thrombus
Introductory Remarks
Darshan Doshi, M.D.
CatRX Technology Overview
Darshan Doshi, M.D.
Hands-On Demonstration
Dinner Program: Panel Discussion - Navigating Complex Cases: Strategies to Avoid Complications
Jasvindar (Jas) Singh, MD, FSCAI
Advanced PCI Case Discussion for Emerging Physicians
Kara Denby, MD
Expert Perspectives on Complex PCI
Jasvindar (Jas) Singh, MD, FSCAI
Gearing Up: Tools, Strategies, and Drugs for Optimal Intervention
Welcoming Remarks
Chad Kliger, M.D., FSCAI
Presidential Remarks
James B. Hermiller, M.D., MSCAI
Must Know Strategies for PCI – Tips and Tricks for Optimal Interventions: Part 1 – Access
Rajiv Gulati, M.D. Ph.D., FSCAI
Must Know Strategies for PCI – Tips and Tricks for Optimal Interventions: Part 2 – Difficult Anatomy
Binita Shah, M.D., M.S., FSCAI
Must Know Strategies for PCI – Tips and Tricks for Optimal Interventions: Part 3 – Device Delivery
Triston B. B. J. Smith, M.D., FSCAI
Clinical Dilemmas in FFR, iFR, AngioFFR Interpretation: A Case-Based Discussion
Arnold H. Seto, MD, MPA, FSCAI
Imaging Workshop: Introduction to Intravascular Imaging (Group A)
Welcome, Utilization and Data
Evan Shlofmitz, D.O.
Pre-Test Survey
Dr. Prashant Kaul, M.D., FSCAI
Basics of IVUS Image Interpretation
Yiannis S Chatzizisis, M.D., Ph.D., FSCAI
Basics of Tomography Image Interpretation (OCT, Spectrawave)
Hayder D. Hashim, M.D., FSCAI
Algorithmic Approach to Imaging Guided PCI
Evan Shlofmitz, D.O.
IVUS-Guided PCI Case Example
Emmanouil S. Brilakis, MD, PhD, FSCAI
Tomography-Guided PCI Case Example
Evan Shlofmitz, D.O.
Post-Test Survey
Dr. Prashant Kaul, M.D., FSCAI
Imaging Workshop: Introduction to Intravascular Imaging (Group B)
Welcome, Utilization and Data
Evan Shlofmitz, D.O.
Pre-Test Survey
Dr. Prashant Kaul, M.D., FSCAI
Basics of IVUS Image Interpretation
Yiannis S Chatzizisis, M.D., Ph.D., FSCAI
Basics of Tomography Image Interpretation (OCT, Spectrawave)
Hayder D. Hashim, M.D., FSCAI
Algorithmic Approach to Imaging Guided PCI
Evan Shlofmitz, D.O.
IVUS-Guided PCI Case Example
Emmanouil S. Brilakis, MD, PhD, FSCAI
Tomography-Guided PCI Case Example
Hayder D. Hashim, M.D., FSCAI
Post-Test Survey
Dr. Prashant Kaul, M.D., FSCAI
Panel Discussion
Impella Fellows Bootcamp: Improving Cardiogenic Shock Outcomes – Rotation 1
DanGer Shock - Results and the Aftermath
Dr. Aditya Bharadwaj, M.B.B.S., FSCAI
AMI Shock Hub & Spoke Model
Megha Prasad, M.D.
Best Practices for Vascular Access Mgmt and Weaning of Impella
Rebecca Chester, MD
Discussion and Audience Q&A
Hands-On Rotation: Single Access w/ 7F Companion Sheath
Hands-On Rotation: PerClose large boar closure hands on
Hands-On Rotation: ShockWave hands-on IVL Demo
Impella Fellows Bootcamp: Improving Cardiogenic Shock Outcomes – Rotation 2
DanGer Shock - Results and the Aftermath
Dr. Aditya Bharadwaj, M.B.B.S., FSCAI
AMI Shock Hub & Spoke Model
Megha Prasad, M.D.
Discussion and Audience Q&A
Hands-On Rotation: Single Access w/ 7F Companion Sheath
Hands-On Rotation: PerClose large boar closure hands on
Hands-On Rotation: ShockWave hands-on IVL Demo
Lunch Program: Calcium Algorithm in Action: Real-world Applications
Treatment Algorithm for Calcified CAD
Adhir R. Shroff, MD, FSCAI
Lunch Program: Contemporary Intravenous Antiplatelet Strategies in PCI
Understanding the Need for Platelet Inhibition During PCI; Review of Clinical Guidelines and Key Clinical Trials; Factors That can Compromise Effective Platelet Inhibition; Case Presentation
Rohit Bhatheja, M.D., FSCAI
Role of Intravenous Antiplatelet Therapy in Current Practice; Identifying Characteristics for use of Contemporary IV Antiplatelet Strategy in High-risk Cases, Including Medical History, Clinical Presentation, and Angiographic Risk Factors; Case Presentati
Hayder D. Hashim, M.D., FSCAI
Lunch Program: Full Body Practical Strategies to Help Ensure CT Imaging Success
CT Imaging to Plan for Complex PCI/CTO Procedures
Emmanouil S. Brilakis, MD, PhD, FSCAI
CT Planning for PAD Interventions
Subhash Banerjee, M.D., FSCAI
How to Start an ePRISM Program and Early Results
Amit P. Amin, MD
Lunch Program: MCS in Focus: Balancing Escalation Strategies in Clinical Practice
Escalation Strategies: Navigating Clinical Settings and Limitations
Mohammad M. Ansari, MD, FSCAI
Ethical Considerations in MCS Escalation
Arnold H. Seto, MD, MPA, FSCAI
Practical Troubleshooting in IABP Use
Christine Prater
Q&A and Closing Remarks
Lunch Program: PEERLESS RCT Results: Actionable Takeaways to Aid Interventional PE Risk Stratification and Practice
Unanswered Questions in PE and Risk Stratification
Adam Gwozdz
Lunch Program: Targeting Lipids to Improve Outcomes in Your Cath Patients
Welcoming Remarks
Genetic Basis of Lipoprotein (a), ApoB, and Lipid Analysis in Contemporary Practice
David Zidar, M.D., Ph.D., FSCAI
Undertreatment and Opportunity in Lipid Lowering Therapy for Patients with Coronary and Peripheral Artery Disease
Subhash Banerjee, M.D., FSCAI
Statins and Non-statin Therapy: For Whom and When
Peter Monteleone, M.D., FSCAI
Championing Strategies for Secondary Prevention in Your Cath Patients
Suzanne J. Baron, M.D., FSCAI
Lunch Program: Understanding Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction (CMD): Incorporating Coronary Functional Testing into Routine Practice
What is CMD and why Should I Care About it? CFR/IMR/RRR- How are They Derived and What do They Mean?
Hayder D. Hashim, M.D., FSCAI
Managing STEMI as a New Attending
Performing STEMI Interventions as a New Attending
Suzanne J. Baron, M.D., FSCAI
Nonculprit PCI During STEMI: When and How
Jacqueline E Tamis-Holland, M.D., FSCAI
Interventional Management of Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection (SCAD)
Rajiv Gulati, M.D. Ph.D., FSCAI
The Achilles' Heal of STEMI: Managing Large Thrombus and Refractory No Reflow
Adhir R. Shroff, MD, FSCAI
My Worst STEMI Nightmares and What I Learned From Them
Douglas E. Drachman, M.D., MSCAI
Peripheral and Structural Content for the Coronary Interventionalist
Addressing Coronary Artery Disease Pre- and Post-TAVR
John C. Messenger, M.D., MSCAI
Balloon Aortic Valvuloplasty and TAVR for the Interventional Cardiologist
Chad Kliger, M.D., FSCAI
PFO for the Early Interventionalist
Megan Coylewright, M.D., FSCAI
Endovascular Skills To Address Vascular Complications
Triston B. B. J. Smith, M.D., FSCAI
Aortoiliac and Femoropopliteal Disease: Access Decisions and Approaches
Issam D. Moussa, M.D., FSCAI
SCAI Women in Innovations (WIN) Career Development and Dessert Reception
Occupational Hazards in the Cath Lab: Lead Related
Deepthi Sudhakar, MD
Pregnancy, Fetal Health and Cath Lab
Christine J. Chung, M.D., FSCAI
Professional Challenges Outside the Cath Lab
Holly Bauser-Heaton, M.D., Ph.D., FSCAI
Techniques To Deal With Challenging Lesions
Coronary Artery Fistula: When and How to Treat
Zachary Steinberg, M.D., FSCAI
In-stent Restenosis: Treatment Algorithms and How to Perform DCB vs Brachytherapy
Jaikirshan Khatri, MD, FSCAI
Coils, Glues, and Microspheres: When Covered Stents are Not Enough.
Darshan Doshi, M.D.
Complex Case: The Unusual and the Complex
Tai Kobayashi, M.D., FSCAI
CPT, RUC, and RVUs: What You Need To Know About How You Get Paid!
Dr. Andrew Michael Goldsweig, MD, MS, FSCAI
The Calcium Conundrum: How OCT Imaging and Coronary Orbital Atherectomy Provide Solutions: Didactic and Hands-On – Rotation 1
Welcome and MLD MAX Review
Evan Shlofmitz, D.O., Daniel Kiss, M.D.
Case Reviews: Focal Lesion; Long Calcified Lesion; Under Expanded Stent
Evan Shlofmitz, D.O., Daniel Kiss, M.D.
Break and Attendees Switch From OCT to OAS Stations, or OAS to OCT Stations
MOA Review
Hayder D. Hashim, M.D., FSCAI
Question and Answer Session on Device or Procedure
Hayder D. Hashim, M.D., FSCAI
Hands-On: Setting up Diamondback System; Important Features and Procedural Tips & Tricks
Hayder D. Hashim, M.D., FSCAI
Fellows Rotate to Other Session