2024 Fellows Courses

Looking After Yourself in the Cath Lab: Occupational Hazards and How To Avoid Them


Andrew J. Klein, M.D., FSCAI, Piedmont Heart Institute, Atlanta, GA
Andrew J. Klein, M.D., FSCAI, Piedmont Heart Institute, Atlanta, GA

Learning Objectives:
  1. Understand the various occupational hazards in the cath lab, including radiation exposure, muscuoskeletal strain, and other physical and mental health risks.
  2. Learn how to implement effective safety protocols and techniques to minimize radiation exposure, prevent musculoskeletal injuries, and maintain a safe working environment for all cath lab personnel.
  3. Discuss strategies for maintaining personal health and well-being to ensure long-term career sustainability and quality of life.
Keywords: Occupational Health & Safety and Training and Professional Development