2024 Fellows Courses

David Zidar, M.D., Ph.D., FSCAI

David Zidar, M.D., Ph.D., FSCAI
Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
Pepper Pike, OH

Biographical Sketch:
David A. Zidar MD PhD FSCAI is an Associate Professor of Medicine at Case Western Reserve School of Medicine, a staff Interventional Cardiologist and a Translational Immunologist. His NIH-funded research laboratory focuses on the expansion and trafficking of vascular homing monocyte and CD8 T cell subsets as a contributor to cardiovascular risk. He has won several teaching awards, and is a former fellowship program director for Interventional Cardiology at University Hospitals. He is a member of the executive scientific board of the Harrington Discovery Institute, the Emerging Leaders Mentorship Program of the SCAI, and a former associate editor of Science-Translational Medicine. He has authored over 100 original manuscripts. In his spare time, he enjoys keeping up with his wife and kids, preferably on the slopes or in the fairway.
