2022 Scientific Sessions

Leadership in Interventional Cardiology: The Role of Women and URiM Physicians in Key Positions


Mayra E. Guerrero, M.D., FSCAI, Mayo Clinic Health System Rochester, Rochester, MN
Mayra E. Guerrero, M.D., FSCAI, Mayo Clinic Health System Rochester, Rochester, MN

Learning Objectives:
  1. Provide data on women and URiM in positions of leadership in IC and the key steps needed to build a resume to reach such a position.
  2. Summarize mentoring programs in SCAI and early outcomes that may address disparities
  3. Recommend strategies for individual physicians and physician leaders can do in their own cath labs and institutions using best practices from the literature (within or outside of cardiology)
Keywords: Drug-eluting Stent (DES) and Structural Heart Disease (SHD)