2021 Scientific Sessions

Case Presentation and Commentary: When Does Cognitive Impairment or Frailty Preclude the Benefit From TAVR?


Diana Carolina Otero Mostacero, MD, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY


Megan Coylewright, M.D., FSCAI, Erlanger Health System, Chattanooga, TN
Diana Carolina Otero Mostacero, MD, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY and Megan Coylewright, M.D., FSCAI, Erlanger Health System, Chattanooga, TN

Learning Objectives:
  1. Give a case examples of how the principles of beneficence, respect/autonomy, and justice apply to the use of resource-intensive therapies of constrained availability in patients with limited life expectancy or diminished functional potential
Keywords: Quality, Structural Heart Disease (SHD) and TAVI/TAVR/Aortic Valve