Top-Shock: Case Presentations

The “Double-Barrel” Impella CP (DBCP): A Novel Option in the Mechanical Circulatory Support Toolbox
Alec Vishnevsky, M.D.1, Tanuka Datta, MD2, Howard T Massey, MD1 and Eric M. Gnall, D.O.3, (1)Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA, (2)Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA, (3)Lankenau Medical Center, Wynnewood, PA
Acute Papillary Muscle rupture in STEMI complicated by Cardiogenic shock during the Covid-19 era
Mohit Pahuja, MD1, Ezequiel Molina2, Ron Waksman, M.D.2 and Itsik Ben-Dor, MD2, (1)MedStar Washington Hospital Center, Oklahoma City, OK, (2)MedStar Washington Hospital Center, Washington, DC
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