2024 Scientific Sessions

The New Normal: The Physician as an Employee

Cardiologists have rapidly transitioned from independent practice to employment (80%) in the past decade. How did we get here and what are the impacts on your career?  Come learn how noncompete and restrictive covenant clauses in your contract limit your ability to switch jobs, how you can be dropped for any reason from your employment, and what your rights are as a physician employee. Hear both stories of abuse and vindication, and discuss how SCAI can advocate for employed physician rights.
Where Are We Now, and How Did We Get Here?
Arnold H. Seto, MD, MPA, FSCAI, Long Beach VA Health Care System, Long Beach, CA
Con: Restrictive Covenants Protects My Investment in New Physicians and Training
Jeff Marshall, M.D., MSCAI, Northside Hospital Cardiovascular Institute, Atlanta, GA
Why Doctors Haven't Unionized in the Past
Kusum Lata, M.D., FSCAI, Sutter Health, Tracy, CA
How My Hospital Attacked Me, and How I Fought Back
Amir Kaki, M.D., FSCAI, Ascension St. John Hospital, Birmingham, MI