2022 Scientific Sessions

Satellite Sessions

Lunch Program: SCAI Bifurcation Club - Tips and Tricks
Introductory Remarks
George D. Dangas, M.D., Ph.D., MSCAI
Bifurcation PCI With One Stent: When and How?
Jasvindar (Jas) Singh, MD, FSCAI
Bifurcation PCI With Two Stents: When and How?
Yiannis S Chatzizisis, M.D., Ph.D., FSCAI
Imaging in Bifurcation PCI: Case Based
Jasvindar (Jas) Singh, MD, FSCAI
Novel Bifurcation Stent Platforms
Carlos E. Uribe, M.D., FSCAI
ACCESS-1: Study Design
Vladimir Dzavik, M.D., FSCAI