2022 Scientific Sessions

Advanced TEER: Know When to Hold' Em, Know When to Fold' Em


Sachin S. Goel, M.D., FSCAI, Houston Methodist Hospital, Houston, TX
Sachin S. Goel, M.D., FSCAI, Houston Methodist Hospital, Houston, TX

Learning Objectives:
  1. Illustrate a challenging TEER and discuss caveats and ways to deal with obstacles (small annulus, commissural MR, barlow's valve)
  2. Present a case of TEER that was inappropriate and show how to screen for suboptimal cases
  3. Impromptu TEER case- If there is time, show a case of acute MR, treatment using TEER and the specific issues with TEER in acute MR
Keywords: Structural Heart Disease (SHD) and TEER/TMVR/Mitral Valve