2020 Scientific Sessions

Sameer Mehta, M.D.

Sameer Mehta, M.D.
Lumen Foundation
Miami, FL

Biographical Sketch:
Sameer Mehta, MD, FACC, MBA, is a U.S. interventional cardiologist who has presaged a new medical specialty of the STEMI Interventionist with his innovative work in performing angioplasty for treating heart attacks. Dr. Mehta is the Chairman of the Lumen Foundation, past Chief of Interventional Cardiology at Cedars Medical Center, past President of the American Heart Association in S. Florida, past Chairman of Research at Miami Heart Institute and a Rotary Scholar. He has published extensively about improving STEMI outcomes by optimizing procedural techniques and by refining the STEMI process. Eliminating chaos, streamlining pre-hospital care and efficient ambulance transportation form his cornerstone mandates of decreasing delays that result in increased morbidity and mortality from AMI. More recently, Dr. Mehta’s research endeavors have involved the use of telemedicine and artificial intelligence to reduce disparities of care between developed and developing countries and to increase access to urgent treatment for AMI.
