Paul P Dobesh, PharmD
The University of Nebraska Medical Center
Biographical Sketch: Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy and Pharm.D. from South Dakota State University. Internal Medicine Specialty Residency with the University of Texas at Austin. He is currently Professor of Pharmacy Practice with the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, Nebraska.
Currently maintains clinical practice with cardiology services at Nebraska Medical Center. Responsible for teaching pharmacy and medical students as well as pharmacy and medical residents. Lectures in the area of ischemic heart disease, antithrombotic therapy, and other cardiology and critical care topics. Dr. Dobesh has conducted research on antiplatelet and antithrombotic therapy, focusing on real-world utilization and health-economics. He has also published book chapters and several manuscripts in this area. Dr. Dobesh was awarded the “Distinguished Educator or the Year” award at the University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Pharmacy in 2017, an award he has received 5 times since 2007.