2020 Scientific Sessions

Barry F. Uretsky, M.D., MSCAI

Barry F. Uretsky, M.D., MSCAI
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Fort Smith, AR

Biographical Sketch:
Dr Uretsky is Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) and Director of Interventional Cardiology and the Interventional Cardiology training program at UAMS and Little Rock VA. He has practiced interventional and clinical cardiology for 40 years. He is also Director of the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory at the Little Rock VA and Director of Clinical Cardiac Research. Previously he was Cardiology chief at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston. His research interests include optimization of coronary interventions. He has participated in over 100 multi-center trials and authored over 345 peer-reviewed articles, 22 book chapters, and two textbooks.
