2020 Scientific Sessions

John D. Carroll, M.D.

John D. Carroll, M.D.
University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
Gunnison, CO

Biographical Sketch:
John D. Carroll, MD, FACC, Master Interventionalist of SCAI Dr. Carroll received his AB (biology) cum laude from Princeton University and his MD (Alpha Omega Alpha) from the University of Chicago. He trained at New England Medical Center and then was a cardiology research fellow at Universittaetspital in Zurich, Switzerland. From 1982-1996 he was a member of the faculty at the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine and directed the Hans Hecht Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory. In 1996 he moved to the University of Colorado as Professor of Medicine, Director of Interventional Cardiology, and Co-Medical Director of the Cardiac and Vascular Center. He has developed the interventional program at the University of Colorado with his colleague, John Messenger. He is currently a member of various national and international editorial and advisory boards, the STS-ACC Transcatheter Valve Therapy Registry Steering Committee, and the Steering Committee of the RESPECT trial.
