John P. Cheatham, M.D.
Nationwide Children's Hospital
Biographical Sketch: John P. Cheatham, MD, is Professor Emeritus, Department of Pediatrics, Cardiology at The Ohio State University College of Medicine. Dr. Cheatham’s area of expertise is transcatheter intervention and Hybrid therapy of newborns, children, and adults with complex congenital heart disease. He serves as a consultant and proctors new transcatheter techniques and devices to other physicians around the world. Dr. Cheatham is co-editor of two books and has authored more than 200 manuscripts, 30 book chapters, and over 520 national and international presentations. Dr. Cheatham was selected as one of the top 25 Innovators in Healthcare by Health Imaging & IT. He received the Career Achievement Award at the prestigious 2007 PICS & AICS conference. In 2015, Dr. Cheatham was named Master Fellow of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (MSCAI). Dr. Cheatham was awarded the 2016 Career Contribution Award at Nationwide Children’s Hospital.