Farouc A. Jaffer, M.D., Ph.D., FSCAI

Massachusetts General Hospital
Boston, MA

Biographical Sketch:
FAROUC JAFFER MD PHD FSCAI FACC FAHA is Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; and Director of Coronary Intervention and the CTO PCI at Massachusetts General Hospital. Clinically, Dr. Jaffer practices CTO PCI utilizing advanced methods including E-CART, bi-radial, mechanical support, and first-in-US clinical research of real time CT-xray fusion. He is involved in a number of CTO PCI based clinical trials and is part of the international Progress CTO registry. Dr. Jaffer also runs an NIH-funded laboratory focused on illuminating in vivo vascular biology through translational molecular imaging approaches focuses on atherosclerosis, venous and arterial thrombosis, restenosis, and arteriovenous fistula malhealing. His laboratory has co-developed translatable intracoronary fluorescence molecular imaging approaches, and their teams performed the first human studies at MGH using a novel OCT-fluorescence imaging catheter. He has published extensively in peer-reviewed basic science and clinical journals with over 125 Pubmed articles.
