Alejandro Goldsmit, M.D.

Sanatorio La Torre, Vte. Lopez
CABA, Buenos Aires

Biographical Sketch:
Dr. Alejandro Goldsmit Medical Doctor, graduated from Maimonides University, Argentina, completing studies in USA, Mount Sinai Medical Center. more than 18 years in interventional, coronary and peripheral vascular, decease, pioneer in implementing development, exchange and workshop in peripheral vascular intervention, coronary and TRI in Argentina and several Latin American countries. Presentation of more than 100 articles of medical research at the international level, Professor of the postgraduate career for doctors in interventional angiology, speaker, faculty and member of the main international meetings; TCT, PCR, CRT, SOLACI, CACI, Hendolat, Colate, AIM-Radial, etc. international council member of "TCT", Reviewer for Catheterization & Cardiovascular Interventions, Member of the International Academic Board "Radial access dedicated international adepts and leader", Reviewer Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine, Guest editor; Transradial Word, Reviewer of the Journal of Interventional Cardiology, guest professor of the University career (UBA-CACI) of Interventional Cardioangiologists, etc.
