Matthew James Daniels, M.D., Ph.D., FSCAI

John Radcliffe University of Oxford Hospitals NHS Trust
Oxford United Kingdom

Biographical Sketch:
Dr Matthew Daniels, BSc, MA, MB, BChir, PhD, MRCP, FSCAI, (University of Oxford, UK) completed the Cambridge University MD/PhD program, before University Clinical Lecturer posts in Cambridge and then Oxford lead him to the current position working as a clinician scientist across inherited, congenital and structural heart disease. He is an expert on ICE guided percutaneous interventions, and proctors PVL closure internationally. He is a member of the British Cardiac Society program committee, and represents the SCAI congenital council in the structural heart disease subcommittee. He is a passionate advocate for the Emerging Leader Mentor program. His career ambition is to repair the heart with cardiomyocytes delivered percutaneously to the endocardium.
