Sundeep Mishra, M.D., FSCAI

All-India Institute of Medical Sciences
New Dehli India

Biographical Sketch:
Dr Sundeep Mishra, MD, DM, FACC, FSCAI is Professor of Cardiology at AIIMS, New Delhi. He has been Guest Editor of Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions and Past Editor-in-Chief of Indian Heart Journal. He was a Board of Trustees of SCAI. He is the Course Director for TCT India, EuroCHORUS, SCAI Advanced Course and SIM. He is the Past Chairman of National Intervention Council of India conducting several “India Sessions” on sidelines of; ACC, ESC, SCAI, TCT, CCT, EuroPCR, etc. He is Winner of Global Interventional Quiz, conducted by AHA 2016 and National Cardiology Quiz CSI 2013. Recipient of the Best Academician Award by Tamil Nadu CSI, “Young Leader Award” by CRT, Sujoy B Roy and KL Chopra CSI. He was the first person to do Virtual Histology & Experimental Gene Therapy in India. His book (as Editor in Chief) Cath lab Practicals Manual is a best-seller among cardiology books.
