Sohah Iqbal, M.D., FSCAI

NYU Medical Center
New York, NY

Biographical Sketch:
Dr. Sohah Iqbal received her MD at Harvard Medical School and trained in Internal Medicine at Columbia University Medical Center. She completed her training Cardiovascular Disease and Interventional Cardiology at NYU Medical Center where she has stayed on as faculty for the past decade. Dr Iqbal is an Assistant Professor of Medicine and Director of the Atherosclerosis Pillar at NYU School of Medicine. She is the Associate Director of the Cardiac Cath Lab at Bellevue Hospital, the flagship city hospital for cardiovascular care in NYC. Her technical interest is coronary imaging and management of women with acute coronary syndromes both in and our of the cardiac cath lab. Dr. Iqbal's educational interest is simulation education and patient centered and shared decision making.
