2019 Scientific Sessions
May 19 - 22, 2019
Browse by Track
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Poster Sessions
Satellite Sessions
Speaker List
Aravinda Nanjundappa, M.B.B.S., FSCAI
West Virginia University
Charleston, WV
The Best of Deep Venous Thrombosis
Case 6: Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Ablation Case Review: Thermal vs. Nonthermal
TandemLife Hands-On Training Lab: Advanced Circulatory Support - Strategy, Methods, and Best Practices for Success. Cannulation Strategy and Troubleshooting.
TandemLife Hands-On Training Lab: Advanced Circulatory Support - Strategy, Methods, and Best Practices for Success. Cannulation Strategy and Troubleshooting.
TandemLife Hands-On Training Lab: Advanced Circulatory Support - Strategy, Methods, and Best Practices for Success. Cannulation Strategy and Troubleshooting.
TandemLife Hands-On Training Lab: Advanced Circulatory Support: Strategy, Methods, and Best Practices for Success. Cannulation Strategy and Troubleshooting.
TandemLife Hands-On Training Lab: Advanced Circulatory Support - Strategy, Methods, and Best Practices for Success. Cannulation Strategy and Troubleshooting
TandemLife Hands-On Training Lab: Advanced Circulatory Support - Strategy, Methods, and Best Practices for Success. Cannulation Strategy.
TandemLife Hands-On Training Lab: Advanced Circulatory Support - Strategy, Methods, and Best Practices for Success. Cannulation Strategy and Troubleshooting.
TandemLife Hands-On Training Lab: Advanced Circulatory Support - Strategy, Methods, and Best Practices for Success. Cannulation Strategy and Troubleshooting.
TandemLife Hands-On Training Lab: Advanced Circulatory Support - Strategy, Methods, and Best Practices for Success. Cannulation Strategy.
TandemLife Hands-On Training Lab: Advanced Circulatory Support - Strategy, Methods, and Best Practices for Success. Cannulation Strategy.
The Spatial Impact Of Median Household Income Vs Cardiac Outcomes From 2008 - 2016
Composite Outcomes in Percutaneous Coronary Interventions with the Dedicated Bifurcating Tryton Side Branch Stent - A Systematic Review
The Disease Ecology Of Stroke At A Large Tertiary Health Care Center In West Virginia