The Accuracy and Complications of Femoral Arterial Access Using Combined Real-Time Ultrasound and Fluoroscopy vs. Ultrasound Alone for Coronary Angiography and Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Belmont Ballroom 2-3 (The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas)
Abdulla A. Damluji, M.D., FSCAI
Johns Hopkins University, Falls Church, VA
Thomas A. Boyle
none, Miami Beach, FL
Harjit Singh
University of Miami, Miami, FL
Michael D. Dyal, M.D.
University of Miami, VA Medical Center, Miami, FL
To assess the accuracy of common femoral artery (CFA) puncture using two techniques: combination of real-time ultrasound (US) and fluoroscopy versus US alone and examine the differences in procedure-related adverse events.
We identified all 274 adult patients who underwent diagnostic or interventional coronary or peripheral procedure via a CFA at a single academic center. The procedures were performed utilizing: (1) ultrasound guidance alone; or (2) ultrasound guidance with fluoroscopic femoral landmarks. Four groups of CFA puncture on angiography and four zones of femoral head on fluoroscopy were identified (Figure 1.A-B).
Of the 274 patients enrolled in this study, 192 (70%) had CFA puncture using combined real-time US and fluoroscopy and 82 (30%) had US only. The accuracy to obtain vascular access using the combined US and fluoroscopy was 90.1%, but it was 86.5% for the US only group. When utilizing US only, there was higher incidence of puncturing in zone 1 of femoral head, but the combined ultrasound and fluoroscopy had 8% risk for puncturing in zone 5. The rate of any procedure related complication was 2.6%, but no differences were appreciated between US and fluoroscopy vs. US alone. Clinically significant hematoma (>5 cm) developed in 2% of the cohort, but these occurred mainly in patients who received PCI in both imaging techniques.
The combined use of US and fluoroscopy had the highest success rate to obtain vascular access in Zone 2 of CFA. While higher rate of vascular puncture in Zone 1 of femoral head was observed with use of US only, the rate of complication when utilizing any kind of imaging modality remains very low.